"Behind the Magic: What is Acrylic and How Artworks are Encased Within It"

"Behind the Magic: What is Acrylic and How Artworks are Encased Within It"

"Behind the Magic: What is Acrylic and How Artworks are Encased Within It"

When it comes to preserving and showcasing artwork, there's a magical material that has gained immense popularity among artists and collectors alike: acrylic. This transparent wonder isn't just about framing art; it's about elevating it to a whole new level. In this blog, we'll delve into what acrylic is made of and how artists manage to encase their masterpieces within it.

What is Acrylic?

Acrylic, in the context of artwork preservation, usually refers to a clear, thermoplastic material known as polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). It's a synthetic polymer derived from petroleum, and its unique properties make it an ideal choice for encasing artwork.

The Magic of Clarity:

One of the most remarkable qualities of acrylic is its crystal-clear transparency. Unlike traditional glass, acrylic is much less reflective, allowing viewers to appreciate art without distracting glares or reflections. This clarity enhances the vibrancy and detail of the enclosed artwork, making it an excellent choice for artists who want their creations to shine.

Lightweight and Durable:

Acrylic is considerably lighter than glass, which makes it easier to handle and transport. However, don't let its lightweight nature fool you; acrylic is incredibly durable. It's resistant to shattering, making it a safer option, especially for delicate or valuable artwork.

UV Protection:

Acrylic often comes with built-in UV protection. This feature is a game-changer when it comes to preserving the longevity of artworks. By blocking harmful UV rays, acrylic helps prevent fading and yellowing of colors over time, ensuring that your art remains vibrant for years to come.

How Artworks are Encased in Acrylic:

Encasing artwork within acrylic is a meticulous process that requires skill and precision. Here's a simplified overview of how it's done:

  1. Prepare the Artwork: The artwork is carefully selected, ensuring it's in pristine condition.

  2. Clean and Seal: The chosen artwork is cleaned and sealed to prevent any dust, moisture, or contaminants from getting trapped inside the acrylic.

  3. Choose the Thickness: Depending on the size and weight of the artwork, the appropriate thickness of acrylic is selected.

  4. Cut to Size: The acrylic is cut to the desired dimensions, ensuring it's slightly larger than the artwork to create a border or "float."

  5. Sand and Polish: The edges of the acrylic are sanded and polished to achieve a smooth, clear finish.

  6. Assemble: The artwork and the acrylic sheets are carefully aligned, ensuring there are no air bubbles or imperfections.

  7. Seal the Edges: The edges are sealed using a strong adhesive, creating a tight, protective seal.

  8. Final Inspection: The enclosed artwork is thoroughly inspected for any flaws, and corrections are made if necessary.

The result? A breathtaking piece of art, seemingly suspended in time within a flawless acrylic casing.

In conclusion, acrylic is a versatile and awe-inspiring material used to encase artwork. Its clarity, durability, and UV protection properties make it a top choice for artists and collectors who want to preserve and display their masterpieces in the best possible way. With careful craftsmanship, art can be transformed into a captivating experience, inviting viewers to explore the depths of creativity encased within the crystal-clear world of acrylic.

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